Today I don't have any pictures to show - I've been working on some Harry Potter themed dress-up pictures from a shoot I had with my friends some time ago now, but I'm not done jet.. Also I'm having a busy weekend, so.. I just wanted to make a quick blog were I would ramble and also tell why I took down yesterdays pictures. I did some thinking and thought that maybe putting them out on the internet wasn't such a great idea after-all - you never know if some stupid people will abuse them, so for my friends sake we decided to take them off the internet.
To talk about something else I saw this great movie yesterday called Eli
zabethtown, and I can't stop thinking about it. Basically Drew (played by Orlando Bloom) is having his wor
st day of a life time. He just lost his company one billion dollars, failing in launching a new shoe. He got fired, dumped and when he decides to end it all - he gets a call telli
ng him his dad died. Drew then has to go to -> Elizabethtown to his funeral and this journey changes his life. It's a really sweet and at times tragi-comic movie. I like those slow and tragi-comic movies, I think they're my favorite type of movies - and I do love movies. If you haven't seen it - watch it! If you have what do you think of it??
I wan't to end this blog with a quote from the movie - a really good one! It's the lady character in the movie (played by Kirsten Dunst) who uses these words of wisdom:
"So you failed.. Alright you really failed. You failed, you failed, you failed, you failed, you failed, you failed, you failed, you failed, you failed, you failed, you failed, you failed... You think I care about that? You're an artist man, your job is to break though barriers, not accept blame and bow and say: "Thank you I'm loser, I'll go away now." You wanna be really great? Then have the courage to fail big and stick around. Make them wonder why you're still
smiling. That's true greatness to me!"
I wish you all a wonderful weekend!