
A friend of mine was putting up with my creativity and she ended up like this..

torsdag, maj 20, 2010

Portraits of an amazing mom

Hi and hello :) It's been a while since my last blog - and I'm sorry, but a lot has been happening - so I just haven't had the time. I've been in Copenhagen for some weeks visiting a friend, and having a great time!! So I haven't been maintaining my photos lately. But now I'm back home and I have some pictures to show. I'm still working on the Harry Potter shoot photos, so I'll show those another time. The camera I used was one of my friends digital camera, so the quality is really bad! Actually I'm thinking not posting any at all, I'm not sure.. I've been lucky that the crabby digital camera I have, have been amazingly well in providing an okay quality - but even better my mom has started to let me borrow her digital mirror-reflex camera!! CHRISTMAS :D

I've been wanting to take portraits of my family for quite some time now, but I got inspired when I watched the movie: "Prince of Egypt" two days ago. At one point there's a closeup of the beautiful hebrew mom, and it reminded me of my mom - and here you go, my portrait of my amazing mom!

You can't really put my mom in a box - she's everything at once, but I really like the bedouin look and side of her. So it was very intentional that I made her wear this scarf, and I'm very pleased with the out come.

Hope you all have had a great time - since we talked, and that you have some good times to look forward to! Talk to you later.