
A friend of mine was putting up with my creativity and she ended up like this..

mandag, april 19, 2010

Pictures to show

I've been living and traveling a lot in England this last year. It was a great experience and I learned a lot not only about the english language and culture - but also about my self! During the time I've come across some amazing places - and this leads up to some pic
tures to show.

So this is obviously London - West Minister, my favorite stop in L

The next 3 pictures is taken on the Ile of Wight at the needle points. I LOVED the Ile of Wight and these pictures are just a small taste of the beautiful nature!

Well this was a few of my England pictures, I'll be posting new pictures soon - and keeping this blog updated!

3 kommentarer:

  1. Hej jeg kom lige forbi din blog og så dine dejlige billeder. Jeg kan forstå, at du er ny her - så jeg har tilmeldt mig som en af dine faste læsere, for jeg er spændt på at se, hvad der mere kommer fra din side. Det er nogle dejlige stemningsfulde billeder fra din rejse i England. Smukke øjeblikke fanget med dit kamera. Tak og glæder mig til mere :)

  2. Wow, jeg elsker de her billeder! :D Det første er fuldstændigt 'divine' or ligner jo noget fuldstændigt utroligt! Og så er jeg en sucker for silhuet-billeder og det med den lille pige er helt fantastisk! :D Keep up the good work! ^_^

  3. oh, and who doesn't adore London. ;P
